Monday, November 29, 2010

Log 11/29/2010

I will be using the motors, transmitter, and radio control from the RC car I purchased for my project.

Fig. 1: The RC car I will be taking apart for my project

Picture Source:
Figure 1:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

3D Wireframe Drawings

These are the 3D wire-frame drawings of my solution.
Fig. 1: Side view

Fig. 2: Bottom View

Fig. 3: Front view

Fig. 4: Isometric view

All drawings done by MM using AutoCAD.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Log 11/19/2010

Though I will not be using a power screwdriver to control my system, this video can give a good visual for how it will work.  The circuit board that is used would represent the camera in my system.  The camera will tilt similarly by a servo and both of those will sit on top of a rotating motor that will rotate them much like the bottom screwdriver in this video.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Log 11/16/2010

Another way to understand how radio controls work and to receive ideas for my system I bought an RC car.  It has two controls on its radio controller.  One controls turning and one controls whether the car goes forward or backward.  Seeing as my final solution will be operated on two systems I decided I can use a similar controller, or the same controller.  The RC car moves faster that I would want my project to move so if I were to use the moving parts from the car I would have to gear them down significantly.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Log 11/15/2010 3

And now when I select the "insert image" button the following message comes up:
The feature you requested is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
I don't really have the time to try again later because I need to get the drawings I've had done for weeks onto my blog.

Log 11/15/2010 2

I came home in hopes of uploading all of my drawings again, but a box keeps popping up saying "server rejected," and I'm not really sure what that means so I'll have to ask BH or JC for help again.

Log 11/15/2010

My 3D AutoCAD drawing is complete.

3D Rendered Drawing

In this drawing you can see an isometric version of my design.  You can see the different materials the parts are made of such as wood for most of the structure, metal for the moving parts, and plastic for the camera.

Fig. 1: 3D CAD Rendering

Picture drawn by MM using AutoCAD.

Friday, November 12, 2010

3D AutoCAD Drawings

*Please note that I will be using a motor for both moving parts due to availability rather than a motor and a servo. Also, my partner ES has changed the dimensions of the vessel so some of my measurements may be incorrect, I will make changes accordingly.
Fig. 1: Bottom View

This is a 3D AutoCAD drawing of my final solution.  This is the bottom view.  In this view you can see the camera in the center of the drawing.  On either side of the camera are what will be metal support system that will connect to a servo and a rod that will connect to the camera.  The servo will cause the rod, which will go across the space between the support structures like a car axle, to rotate 180 degrees.  Because the camera will be attached to that rotating rod, the camera will move 180 degrees.  The circle that the support structures are attached to is a rotating piece that will be attached to a motor.  This will allow the camera and support structure to rotate 360 degrees.  All of these parts will be attached to what, in this view, appears to be a large square.  This square will be a hollow wooden box that will house the electronics of the system such as the motor, servo, radio transmitter, and battery.  The box will be attached to two wooden support beams that will suspend the entire system between the sides of the vessel.

Fig. 2: Front View
This is the front view of my final solution.  In this view you can see at the top one of the support beams that will suspend the system between the sides of the vessel.  Then just below the support beam is the hollow wooden box.  Below that will be the rotating piece, and then the metal support structure and camera.

Fig. 3: Side View

Fig. 4: Side View
These are the side views of the final solution.  You can see the support beams, box, rotating piece, metal support structure, and camera.
Fig. 5: Top View
This is the top view of my final solution.  Here you can see the top of the hollow wooden box that will house the electronics previously mentioned.  You can also see the support beams that will suspend the system between the walls of the vessel.  
Fig. 6: Isometric View
  This is an isometric view of my final solution.  Here you can see all of the parts of the system.

All drawings done by MM using AutoCAD.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Log 11/11/10

Having some problems with uploading and arranging pictures on my blog.
Places that should have visuals or additional visuals:
  • Model
  • Alternate Solution # 1
  • Alternate Solution # 2
  • Developmental Work
  • Rationale Report
So once I figure out what the heck is wrong with my blog (maybe just a major operator error) then there will be more drawings and pictures.
Also, I'm still working on my 3D CAD drawing. . .

    Monday, November 8, 2010

    Log 11/8/2010

    I just handed in my mentor contacts and now I am going through my calendar to make sure it has everything.  My model was damaged in transit so I will have to make a new one or fix the old one before my presentation on Wednesday.  Currently I am reteaching myself 3D AutoCAD so that I can put a nice 3D drawing in my developmental work.

    Friday, November 5, 2010

    Orthographic CAD Drawings

    *All measurements are in inches
    *Please note that I will be using a motor for both moving parts due to availability rather than a motor and a servo. Also, my partner ES has changed the dimensions of the vessel so some of my measurements may be incorrect, I will make changes accordingly.

    Fig. 1: Top view

    Fig. 2: Bottom View
    Fig. 3: Front View

    Fig. 4: Side View
    All drawings done by MM using AutoCAD.

    Tuesday, November 2, 2010

    Idea Matrix


    Solution #1

    Solution #2

    Ease of use

    Is the product operator friendly?
    Aesthetic appeal
    Is the product aesthetically pleasing?
    Is the product easy to manufacture?
    Low weight
    Is the product lightweight and able to fit into the vessel?
    Energy efficiency
    Is the product using the energy efficiently?
    Is the product safe to use in the marine environment? Is it safe to handle?
    Total positivities
    Total negativities
    Total ties
    Net Score
    Total score
    Rank in order of net score (greatest to least)
    Continue or combine?
    Would you like to continue the design or combine designs?

     Fig. 1: Idea matrix
    All drawings done by MM.