Thursday, September 30, 2010

Formal Progress Update Presentation

*     Design Brief
     - Team
To design and construct a remote controlled model vessel that marine biologists will use to film marine life in bay type situations in a variety of cold and/or severe weather conditions
     - Individual
To design, model, and construct a flexible camera attachment that is remote controlled
*     Research and Background Information
     - Cold weather is not good for research
     - Need for a research vessel that won't disrupt habitat
     - Looked into ROVs with cameras
- Looked at online hobby shops for cameras and batteries
*     Specifications and Limitations
     - Specifications
     - Camera will film marine organisms that are mostly stationary in the colder months.
     - Camera will be attached to a moving apparatus that will sit inside the vessel.
     - Camera and attachment will be remote controlled from the shore.
     - Camera will be live feed so that operators can see what they are filming.
     - Camera attachment will allow camera to move 360 degrees

     - Limitations
      - Camera and attachment must be cost effective; under $200
      - Weight of camera and attachment must not exceed rate of buoyancy
      - Camera and attachment must not exceed the size of vessel
      - Camera attachment must be constructed using tools from the Systems lab
      - Camera attachment must be constructed from easily accessible materials or materials provided in   the Systems lab
*  Testing Procedures       
       1. Check that camera is filming and working properly by connecting the live feed transmitter to a screen and observing whether or not the view is clear.
   2. If view is unclear, clear it. Lens of camera may need to be cleaned if view on screen is blurred.
   3. Make sure nothing is in the way of moving parts by moving all parts using the radio control and ensuring that nothing limits movement that shouldn't.
   4. Check to see if rotating motor rotates 360 degrees by using the radio control.
   5. Examine glass to ensure that it is clean and clear without any cracks or damage that could obstruct the camera's view or be a danger to the vessel or system.
   6. Check to see if servo pivots the camera properly using the radio control.
   7. When filming is complete run through film and make sure nothing went wrong while filming.
-Questions to ask:
    - If the view of the camera is obstructed or blurred, what is causing that?  Can it be fixed or prevented?
    - If something doesn't move when or how it should, why doesn't it?
    - If something is limiting the movement of a part of the system can it be fixed or prevented?
    - If something went wrong during filming, what was it and can it be fixed or prevented?
    - Did all of the tests work?  Did the system malfunction despite the tests?
*     Brainstorming and Alternate Solutions
     - Brainstorming
   - Rough drawings of preliminary ideas and brainstorming

     - Alternate Solutions
   - Alternate Solution #1
   - Alternate Solution #2
*     Rationale Report
     - Rationale
   - Alternate Solution #1
      - Useful
      - Usable
      - Desirable
      - Producible
      - Profitable
      - Differentiated
- Alternate Solution #2
      - Useful
      - Usable
      - Desirable
      - Producible
      - Profitable
      - Differentiated

     - Idea matrix
   - Alternate Solution #1
   - Alternate Solution #2
*     Developmental Work
     - Orthographic CAD drawings
- 3D CAD drawings
- 3D rendered CAD drawing
- Plan of procedures

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