Thursday, September 23, 2010


Solution #1
Fig. 1: Camera sits in bubble and
rotates in 360 degrees.
Fig. 2: The wires would go
through the vessel.

Fig. 3: The camera is attached to a disk
that covers the bubble and closes it
off from the inside of the vessel.

Fig. 5: This is not the
actual shape of the vessel

Fig. 4: The glass bubble
protrudes from the bottom.

Solution #2
Fig. 6: Camera is inside of vessel.

Fig. 7: The camera and camera
attachment is mounted to the
top inside of the vessel.

Fig. 9: The camera and controls
will be completely inside the
Fig. 8: The camera will be able
to move in all directions
not just rotate 360 degrees

Fig. 10: This is not the actual shape
of the vessel

All drawings done by MM.


  1. drawings to simplified, and where are the measurements???

  2. a minimum of 5 paragraphs that detail your solutions must accompany the drawings.
