Thursday, September 30, 2010

Plan of Procedures

  • Camera, transmitter, and attachments
  • Motor for tilting camera
  • Rotating Motor
  • Wood from Systems lab
  • Wood
  • Wires
  • Metal hinge
  • Screw driver
  • Drill
  • Saws
  • Sandpaper
  • Glue
  • Vice
  • Support structure that will attach to vessel
  • Motor, servo, and battery housing box
  • Rotating motor
  • Servo operated pivot
  • Camera
  • Battery
  • Wires connecting moving parts and camera to battery
  • Cut wood to dimensions of support structure and housing box
  • Glue pieces together
  • Place motor, servo, and battery in housing box with wires connecting them to their moving parts
  • Motor will connect to the rotating piece
  • Servo will connect to the pivoting piece
  • Attach camera and transmitter to pivoting piece
  • Attach motor, servo, and camera to battery and transmitter
  • When building is complete go through testing procedure

Formal Progress Update Presentation

*     Design Brief
     - Team
To design and construct a remote controlled model vessel that marine biologists will use to film marine life in bay type situations in a variety of cold and/or severe weather conditions
     - Individual
To design, model, and construct a flexible camera attachment that is remote controlled
*     Research and Background Information
     - Cold weather is not good for research
     - Need for a research vessel that won't disrupt habitat
     - Looked into ROVs with cameras
- Looked at online hobby shops for cameras and batteries
*     Specifications and Limitations
     - Specifications
     - Camera will film marine organisms that are mostly stationary in the colder months.
     - Camera will be attached to a moving apparatus that will sit inside the vessel.
     - Camera and attachment will be remote controlled from the shore.
     - Camera will be live feed so that operators can see what they are filming.
     - Camera attachment will allow camera to move 360 degrees

     - Limitations
      - Camera and attachment must be cost effective; under $200
      - Weight of camera and attachment must not exceed rate of buoyancy
      - Camera and attachment must not exceed the size of vessel
      - Camera attachment must be constructed using tools from the Systems lab
      - Camera attachment must be constructed from easily accessible materials or materials provided in   the Systems lab
*  Testing Procedures       
       1. Check that camera is filming and working properly by connecting the live feed transmitter to a screen and observing whether or not the view is clear.
   2. If view is unclear, clear it. Lens of camera may need to be cleaned if view on screen is blurred.
   3. Make sure nothing is in the way of moving parts by moving all parts using the radio control and ensuring that nothing limits movement that shouldn't.
   4. Check to see if rotating motor rotates 360 degrees by using the radio control.
   5. Examine glass to ensure that it is clean and clear without any cracks or damage that could obstruct the camera's view or be a danger to the vessel or system.
   6. Check to see if servo pivots the camera properly using the radio control.
   7. When filming is complete run through film and make sure nothing went wrong while filming.
-Questions to ask:
    - If the view of the camera is obstructed or blurred, what is causing that?  Can it be fixed or prevented?
    - If something doesn't move when or how it should, why doesn't it?
    - If something is limiting the movement of a part of the system can it be fixed or prevented?
    - If something went wrong during filming, what was it and can it be fixed or prevented?
    - Did all of the tests work?  Did the system malfunction despite the tests?
*     Brainstorming and Alternate Solutions
     - Brainstorming
   - Rough drawings of preliminary ideas and brainstorming

     - Alternate Solutions
   - Alternate Solution #1
   - Alternate Solution #2
*     Rationale Report
     - Rationale
   - Alternate Solution #1
      - Useful
      - Usable
      - Desirable
      - Producible
      - Profitable
      - Differentiated
- Alternate Solution #2
      - Useful
      - Usable
      - Desirable
      - Producible
      - Profitable
      - Differentiated

     - Idea matrix
   - Alternate Solution #1
   - Alternate Solution #2
*     Developmental Work
     - Orthographic CAD drawings
- 3D CAD drawings
- 3D rendered CAD drawing
- Plan of procedures


This model is 1/2 the actual size of the project.

Fig. 1: Bottom view of model
Orange piece models camera and moving parts

Fig. 2: Side and bottom view of model
Orange piece models camera and moving parts

Fig. 3: Top view of model
Orange pieces modeling motors, batteries, and circuit board

Fig. 4: Side view of model suspended similar to how it will
be in the vessel
Orange piece models the camera and moving parts

All pictures taken by MM.

Mentor Contacts

Mentor Name: DH

*Writing in plain text are my E-mails and writing in italics are the mentor’s e-mails
*All mentor contacts are E-mails

Date: October 16th
Dear DH,
Thank you so much for offering to be my mentor, I really appreciate it.  My blog is a bit of a mess at the moment, but once it's all up to date I would like to send you a link so that you can see what my project is about.
Thanks again!
Not a problem.  Let me know what information you need from me for your Mentor forms or whatever.
 I tend to check my email in the evenings, so if you send me email in the morning I will generally see it by 9-10PM.  If you need me before that ... send a text message to ***-***-****

Date: October 21st
Dear DH,
Here is a link to my blog so that you can see what I have done so far: At this time I am considering attaching the camera to a remote controlled ball and socket joint so that the camera can move in all directions.  I have been having trouble finding anything like that, so I was wondering if you either knew of such a product or knew of a good alternative.  I really don't know anything about mechanics or electronic things, so I could really use some advice.

 Will this be a video or still picture camera?  If you put it on a gimbal mount (ball), how will you know which way it is pointing?  Will you have to send the remote image back to the shore so you can tell what you are looking at?
 You can buy a PTZ camera from multiple sources, not cheap, some deals on Ebay, but prices tend to be at a premium.  PTZ stands for (Pan, Tilt, Zoom).   Google "PTZ camera," to check this out.   Many are remote controlled via a PC.   To be remote controlled from shore ... a bit more complicated, so back to the question above. 
 Your requirements say the camera must move through 360 degrees.  In what plane (or planes)?   Very few retail PTZ cameras can do that (most can only do about 250 degrees rotation and maybe 50 degrees tilt.
 If you think you need to build your own camera attachment, read up on "stepper" motors and stepper motor controls.   Not easy stuff.   You could "cobble" something together using simple geared down motors and some R/C controls.  See
 What is your required field of view?   What angles? Distance?  Focus?    Autofocus may not work through plastic or glass (water will appear to be a flat surface to the camera).
 Hope you like both electronics and mechanics. 

Date: October 22nd
The camera will be a video camera because we planned to have a live feed so that we would know what we were filming.  Also, the camera will be mounted above the flat glass bottom and it needs to be able to move around so that it can film the entire bottom of the vessel.  We do not want the camera to be limited to filming only what is directly below it.  A PTZ camera seems to be what I need, but the controls and price could be a problem.
Thanks again,

 You need to broadcast video to the shore ?  In real time ?
 When you say "bottom of the boat," do you really mean "the bottom of the boat?"  If the camera sits above the glass bottom, how can it see the bottom of the boat?  
 Or, do you mean it sits down in a glass bubble under the boat above the glass bottom (ie: the glass bottom also has glass sides. 
 So then say the camera is sitting below the boat in the glass bottom (ball, whatever), what angle up and down does it need to see?  Does it really need to see the paint on the bottom of the boat?    ;-)

Date: October 22nd
I found this PTZ camera on ebay.  It's really cheap now but there's a little over a week left to bidding so I doubt it will stay that way.  I don't really understand all the tech lingo, but it says that the camera does not need to be hooked up to a computer.  We need a tether for the vessel anyway, so any wires we may end up with can be attached to the tether.

 Oh ... I thought you guys were doing radio remote control.   I thought I read that in one of the blogs.  Tethering makes life easier, but messy (dragging wires around in the water).
 There was nothing attached to the message that I could look at.   Did you send me the link to the camera ?

Date: October 24th
I think originally we were going to, but the vessel needed a tether so if I can't find a wireless camera it would not be a big deal.  Sorry I didn't realize I didn't include the link and now I can't find that camera, so I guess I'll just have to keep looking.

Your tether may make steering a small boat impossible.   It would sink in the water and act like an anchor ... or a brake.   What's the tether for?

Date: October 25th
We need a tether so we don't accidentally go out of range and then have to go retrieve the vessel because the point was to avoid disrupting the area. 
I found this camera, which is good for how small the boat will be, but I think it has a wire

Nice technology.  Very small and light.  Price seems low.   Does it really include all the receiver pieces as well?
 From what I read, no, you will not need a wire (tether) to receive the video.  It will broadcast some 300-400 feet to your receiver setup.   Over water ?  Might need to test it to be sure.
 Not sure how it will focus ... that didn't seem obvious in the specs.  Must be fixed focus.
 You will need to design your movable camera mount as it has no positioning controls.
Tether ... a safety tether ... sure, like pulling a floating single fishing line behind it or something so you can retrieve it, but for electronic controls ??... can't see how the line won't cause you grief trying to drag it in the water.  Pick your favorite wire ... get 100 feet of it, multiply by 5 or 6 conductors to control this or that ... now drag it through the water ... :-\

Date: October 26th
If the camera is radio controlled and the vessel is radio controlled then maybe all we'll need is a fishing line to keep it in range?

My thinking exactly.  If you need a fail-safe, keep it simple.  Haul it back with a fishing rod.

Rationale Report

*Please note that I will be using a motor for both moving parts due to availability rather than a motor and a servo. Also, my partner ES has changed the dimensions of the vessel so some of my measurements may be incorrect, I will make changes accordingly.
(see alternate solutions:

Alt. Solution # 1
Useful:  This solution is useful because it allows scientists to film benthic and nekton creatures.
Usable: This solution would only be operated on one system.  There would only be one control and would only require the radio control and a place to connect the camera's transmitter.  The control would be a simple joystick.  Also, there will be no wires to get tangled.
Desirable: Because this solution is so easy to operate it would be desirable for more operators.
Producible: A mechanic moving ball and socket joint is nearly impossible to find for the purposes of this project.  Aside from the difficulty of finding that piece the rest of the design is uncomplicated and easy to produce.
Profitable: This solution is profitable because scientists can use it to film sea creatures when they cannot go into the water themselves, also it can be used for recreational purposes if the buyer chooses to.  Though, some of the parts may be more expensive, which will raise the cost of the vessel in the end.
Differentiated: This solution is very different from the following solution because it involves a different shaped bottom as well as a completely different type of system to move the camera.  The dome provides a different way for the camera to view the underwater world.

Fig. 1: Side view of solution #1

Alt. Solution #2
Useful: This solution is useful because it allows scientists to film benthic and nekton creatures.
Usable: This solution will be operated on two different systems so it will require two different controls.  It will still be simple and easy to operate.  There will be no wires to get tangled.
Desirable: Because this solution is only operated on two systems it will still be easy to operate and be desireable.
Producible: All of the parts of this design are easy to find and can be put together with little difficulty.  The design is easy to produce and the parts are easy to find, which makes this solution stronger than solution one.
Profitable: This solution is profitable because scientists can use it to film sea creatures when they cannot go into the water themselves, also it can be used for recreational purposes if the buyer chooses to.  The parts for this design are relatively cheap so the overall product would be inexpensive to make, which would lead to more profit for the producers.
Differentiated: This solution is cheaper to make, has parts that are easier to find, is less fragile, and still provides a clear view for the camera.

Fig. 2: Side view of solution #2
I have chosen solution two because it is cheaper and easier to make than solution one.  Solution two is also a stronger and safer design than solution one.

Drawings done by MM by hand and using AutoCAD.


     Remote operated vehicles, or ROVs, are commonly used in underwater environments.  Nearly all underwater ROVs are equipped with some sort of camera.  ROVs are often used for locating wrecks or searching parts of the ocean that humans cannot explore themselves.  They can be used for deep or shallow water research.
     The Global Explorer is an underwater ROV can be leased.  It is modular and lightweight so that it can be easily transported.  It is used for downed aircrafts, submarine rescue, emergency salvage, and emergency rescue.  The Global Explorer is equiped with an high definition camera.  This is just one example of an underwater ROV.1 

Fig. 1: The Global Explorer
     The VideoRay Scout is another example of an underwater ROV that has a camera on it.  It comes with a control box that has a screen that shows what the ROV is filming.  It also has 130 ft. of tether, which attaches the ROV to the controls and prevents the ROV from getting lost out of range. 2

Fig. 2: VideoRay Scout
     One reason ROVs are important to scientists and researchers is that they are remotely-operated.  Researchers work to protect the environment, but sometimes when they are getting their information they are compromising other marine life.  Coral reefs are not the only habitats being affected by humans.  For example, if a biologist needs to get a sample of plankton in the Sandy Hook Bay they are likely to put on waders and go into the water.  This doesn't seem to disrupt anything, but it can.  Flounders and skates lying on the sea floor could be stepped on or disturbed.  There are many other ways marine life can be disrupted by humans because most shallow water organisms are very small in comparison to humans.  Using an ROV can reduce the amount of disruption because it would be smaller than a human and it would not have to stand on the floor of the ocean.3
     In order to find a good camera to use on the vessel I decided to look at hobby shops.  I knew that cameras were placed on RC helicopters.  I found a very small "spy" camera that was light-weight, wires free, compact, and affordable.  It is also live feed, which will be crucial when we operate our vessel.

Fig. 3: Small spy camera
     The camera has a transmitter that can sit in the vessel, but the camera, the transmitter, and the moving parts will need to be connected to a power source.  I looked on the same hobby shop website and found a wide array of batteries that we can use.  I'm not sure how much power my system will require, but there are many options in the batteries.

Fig. 4: Screen shot of all the
battery  options


Picture Sources:
Figure 4:

Testing Procedures

*Please note that I will be using a motor for both moving parts due to availability rather than a motor and a servo. Also, my partner ES has changed the dimensions of the vessel so some of my measurements may be incorrect, I will make changes accordingly.

1. Check that camera is filming and working properly by connecting the live feed transmitter to a screen and observing whether or not the view is clear.
2. If view is unclear, clear it. Lens of camera may need to be cleaned if view on screen is blurred.
3. Make sure nothing is in the way of moving parts by moving all parts using the radio control and ensuring that nothing limits movement that shouldn't.
4. Check to see if rotating motor rotates 360 degrees by using the radio control.
5. Examine glass to ensure that it is clean and clear without any cracks or damage that could obstruct the camera's view or be a danger to the vessel or system.
6. Check to see if servo pivots the camera properly using the radio control.
7. If view on screen is suddenly fuzzy or not visible at all make sure that vessel did not go out of range by bringing the vessel closer to the receiver to see if vision improves.
8. When filming is complete run through film and make sure nothing went wrong while filming.

Questions to ask:
If the view of the camera is obstructed or blurred, what is causing that?  Can it be fixed or prevented?
If something doesn't move when or how it should, why doesn't it?
If something is limiting the movement of a part of the system can it be fixed or prevented?
If something went wrong during filming, what was it and can it be fixed or prevented?
Did all of the tests work?  Did the system malfunction despite the tests?

Fig. 1: Sandy Hook, where testing will be held

Fig. 2: Sandy Hook Bay frozen over

Picture Sources:
Figure 1:
Figure 2:

Individual Design Brief

To design, model, and construct a flexible camera attachment that is remote controlled.
Fig. 1: camera used for model helicopters, cars, and surveillance
Figure 1:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Log 9/29/2010

Up until now I have worked on:
  • Background Information
  • Research
  • Design Brief
  • Limits and Specifications
  • Testing Procedures
  • Brainstorming and Alternate Solutions

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Solution #1
Fig. 1: Camera sits in bubble and
rotates in 360 degrees.
Fig. 2: The wires would go
through the vessel.

Fig. 3: The camera is attached to a disk
that covers the bubble and closes it
off from the inside of the vessel.

Fig. 5: This is not the
actual shape of the vessel

Fig. 4: The glass bubble
protrudes from the bottom.

Solution #2
Fig. 6: Camera is inside of vessel.

Fig. 7: The camera and camera
attachment is mounted to the
top inside of the vessel.

Fig. 9: The camera and controls
will be completely inside the
Fig. 8: The camera will be able
to move in all directions
not just rotate 360 degrees

Fig. 10: This is not the actual shape
of the vessel

All drawings done by MM.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


*all specs only apply to my portion of the project*

The specifications of the project are what the project must do, have, and/or be.
  • Camera will film marine organisms that are mostly stationary in the colder months.   
  • Camera will be attached to a moving apparatus that will sit inside the vessel. 
  • Camera and attachment will be radio controlled from the shore
  • Camera will be live feed so that operators can see what they are filming
  • Camera attachment will allow camera to move 360 degrees 
  • Camera attachment will be constructed using tools from the Systems lab
  • Camera attachment will be constructed from easily accessible materials or materials provided in the Systems lab

    Team Design Brief

    To design and construct a remote controlled model vessel that marine biologists will use to film marine life in bay type situations in a variety of cold and/or severe weather conditions.

    Fig. 1: Remote controlled boat
    Picture Source:
    Figure 1: