Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Log 3/9/2011

Today I measured out where my gears need to be located inside of the box.  I drilled a shallow hole in the bottom of my box and put a piece of a a coffee stirer that would act as low friction base for the gear shaft into the hole.  I also glued the wooden pieces that will keep the first motor in place as well as the pieces of wood that will hold the receiver and battery pack in place.

1 comment:

  1. Please check BBS for detailed message via buoyancy/weight testing-both instructors have made numerous requests that you physically test vessel-so far you have not done so-calculations do not confirm that your vessel will be able to carry anticipated weight as that part of the project appears to be ongoing-successful completion of course cannot be attained without physical testing that is documented and observed, at this point, by your instructors-without testing and wihtout successful buoyancy you will have to reconstruct your project-you both must work together to ensure that the vesssel can successfully complete its intended mission----------cmcd
