Friday, February 25, 2011

Log 2/25/2011

Last night I worked with my mentor for two hours and lengthened the wires attached to the motors and attached the wires to connectors.  With these connectors I can easily attach and detach my motors to my receiver and battery.  This will make building easier because I can move parts around without the wires getting in the way or being too limiting.  Today I will glue together my new support structure whose inner dimensions are 4x4.

Update to Mr. Alfonse 2/25/2011

The dimensions of my support structure were too small so I had to re-cut and rebuild my support structure from scratch.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Testing Questions

  1. Are there batteries in the system and radio controller?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  2. Is the system on?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  3. Is the camera attached to the power source?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  4. Is the camera receiver hooked up to a screen/DVR?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  5. Does the support structure easily and properly attach to the vessel?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  6. Is the camera transmitting a picture to the screen/DVR?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  7. Is the picture clear of blockages?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  8. Is the reception of the picture clear? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  9. Can the picture show what is outside of the glass bottom? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  10. Does the up control rotate the camera 360º clockwise smoothly? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________ 
  11. Does the down control rotate the camera 360º clockwise smoothly? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  12.  As the camera rotates, does the picture remain clear of blockages?YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  13. As the camera rotates, does the reception remain clear?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  14. As the vessel moves, does the picture remain clear of blockages? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  15. As the vessel moves, does the reception remain clear? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  16. As the vessel moves, is the picture showing what is in the water through the glass bottom?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  17. As the vessel moves, does the support structure stay in place? YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________
  18. When the vessel’s testing is complete, is the support structure easy to remove from the vessel?
    YES / NO / OTHER: ________________________________________

Update to Mr. Alfonse 2/21-25/2011

     I'm a little more than halfway done with my project.  Most of the work I have to do is assembly because the structural piece is complete.  I have to put the gears in place, attach the camera, and finish the wood on the structural part.  I bought a gear kit so I have all the materials I need to complete the project and once I get past a certain roadblock I should be able to finish the project within the next couple of weeks.
     This roadblock has caused a lot of problems for me and wasted a lot of valuable work time.  I cannot find the RPM of the motors I am using so I cannot mathematically calculate a way to gear them down.  I hadn't originally planned on doing it mathematically because I do not know what is considered "slow RPM" I was just going to work hands-on until I found the right speed.  I was going to solder the wires that tore back to the motors so that I could work with the gears, but it was brought to my attention that I should do the gearing mathematically.  I wasted a lot of time trying to find the RPM of the motors and was unable to find out what it was.  I intend to go with my original plan to work hands-on with the gearing.  I will be at a program up at NJIT from Wednesday night to Friday and unless I get a monumental amount of work completed tonight at home I can't imagine I will make much progress by tomorrow.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Log 2/10/2011

Things I have left to do:
  1. Sand off excess glue on structure
  2. Drill hole in bottom of box
  3. Buy gears to gear down motors
  4. Configure gears and lengthen wires
  5. Finish and seal wood components
  6. Asemble
  7. Test using remote control
  8. Attach to ES's boat
  9. Test within boat

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Log 2/9/2011

I just have to finish sanding off excess glue and then the structural construction will be complete.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Log 2/4/2011

Waiting for glue to dry.  The construction of the wooden structure is about 75% done at this point.