Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MP2 Presentation Outline

 I. Introduction
A. Mae McKenna
B. Senior at MAST
C. Systems Engineering II
II. Background
    A. Scientists can’t enter water in winter months
    B. Need to observe marine life year-round
III. Design Brief
    A. Team Design Brief      
          1. To design and construct a remote controlled model vessel that marine biologists will use to film marine life in bay type situations in a variety of cold and/or severe weather conditions.
    B. Individual Design Brief      
          2. To design, model, and construct a flexible camera attachment that is remote controlled.
IV. Construction Intro
    A. Chosen Solution
          1. Amended orthographic drawings
    B. Model
          1. Pictures of model
    C. Final Solution
          1. 3D CAD drawing
V. Construction Process
    A. Construction Progress
          1. Pictures of working on project
    B. Construction Process
          1. Gluing all pieces together because screws would split wood
          2. Take motors, battery pack, and transmitter out of the RC car
          3. The motors will stick out of the box and attach to gears
VI. Summary
   A. Glass Bottom Radio Controlled Research Vessel
   B. Work completed
          1. Main structure construction
          2. Battery pack and transmitter has been detached from RC car
          3. About 50% done- 50% left to go
VII. Conclusion
   A. That concludes my presentation
   B. Any Questions?

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