Thursday, March 31, 2011

Final Product

Fig. 1: Front view of final constructed product

Fig. 2: Top view of final constructed product, here you can see
the receiver/battery box in the top left corner and the gears and
the motor in the bottom left corner

Fig. 3: Isometric view of final constructed product

All pictures were taken by MM.


My partner, ES, and I did preliminary testing.  I tested my part in a safe and dry environment to show that the system worked in perfect conditions.  My partner then took the vessel and camera attachment home to test them together and the vessel was able to move with the attachment included.  Below are some pictures of what I did to test that the camera and controller worked.

Fig. 1: Student, MR, films clay fish in computer lab with camera

Fig. 2: Everything the camera films appears on the TV live
because the camera's receiver is hooked up to the TV

All pictures taken by MM.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Finalized AutoCAD Drawings

Figure 1: Side view of final design

Figure 2: Front view of final design
Figure 3: Front rendered view of final design

All drawings were done by MM using AutoCAD.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Gear Configuration

Fig. 1: Rudimentary drawing of the way the gears will be configured in the box

Drawing done by MM using Microsoft Paint.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Log 3/17/2011

Last night I worked for three hours with my mentor supervising me.  I finished painting the entire wooden structure.  I then covered the paint with clear acrylic sealant.  I epoxied the support beams of the structure to the box and screwed the receiver/battery piece to the box.  To give the beams more support I epoxied and screwed corner braces between the box and the support beams.  I also epoxied on one side of the plastic Velcro that will attach my piece to my partner ES's piece.  I just did some touch ups to the paint on my structure then all I will have to do is screw the camera on and test.  I will use the rest of the period to work on my poster.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Log 3/16/2011

Today I started painting my structure.  Tonight I will re-assemble it and attach the velcro and I will be done.  All I have left to do is finish my poster and other work.